Come and learn how to live sustainably
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RIGHT NOW, we can offer you free learning and practical experience in sustainable building techniques and renewable energy, in exchange for helping us progress our renovation projects. - Check out our building projects page to find a project that appeals to you. Whether you stay for 3 days or 30, you will go away armed with new skills and with a smile on your face!
Construct your own wind turbine – see also
Brick laying, wooden building construction, roofing - seasonal - see page Building Projects
Reed beds and water recycling - for a taster, scroll down Sustainable Building Page
Solar panels - photovoltaic and solar tracker
Battery storage with off-grid solar and wind
Essential DIY: plumbing, electrics, tiling, painting, restoration, insulation
Self-sufficiency - getting started
Read more about our sustainable building philosophy on our Sustainable Building Page
Other skills
Make your own regulator clock, with Leslie Bryan, FBHI - see some of Les's work on new horology site
Languages - French for beginners / Anglais pour débutants
Life Sciences Basics - Understand the media
Well-being - Meditation basics, Voice Confidence
Cider-making - organic cider from our own apples - seasonal
Or just chill - chateaux, gastronomy...fine restaurant, typical country cider, calvados, cheese, snails..., or visit the national stud "Haras du Pin", riding, walking, cycling, beaches, shows, ambling around Normandy villages....the list is endless.
Further afield you have Paris (1h20 train ride L'Aigle<>Paris-Montparnasse; 2-2.5h by car), Lisieux (30min), Deauville / Trouville (40min). The Chateaux de La Loire (2h), Mont St Michel (2h)....
Contact us for more details.
Le Vivray, 61120 Neuville sur Touques, FRANCE
© 2014 Echorenovate Sally Woods-Bryan & Leslie Bryan Microengineering